Rangel Wins CREW Top Prize
CREW (Commercial Real Estate Women) Careers is a group of community and civic minded business women in the Dallas area that host an annual competition. This girls-only event challenges young people to propose a solution to a commercial real estate challenge. They emphasize business vocabulary, careers, teamwork, and real-world scenarios.
This year the Irma Rangel team grabbed top honors at the competition; taking home the trophy and backpacks full of swag and a gift card. The Rangel team created a plan for a Type B multifamily residential project inside of a much larger mixed use project. They blew the judges away. Click here for their Prezi presentation, and see images from the event below.
This year the Irma Rangel team grabbed top honors at the competition; taking home the trophy and backpacks full of swag and a gift card. The Rangel team created a plan for a Type B multifamily residential project inside of a much larger mixed use project. They blew the judges away. Click here for their Prezi presentation, and see images from the event below.